Note: Sold items will be deleted.


We've created a page for GardeRobe on Facebook!

We'll have different promotions each month and we'll have sneak previews for new arrivals that only people who like our page gets.

The promotion for now is 'Rebate RM5 with every RM50'. So, the more you buy, the more rebates you get. So gather your friends together and shop awap to get those discounts. In order to get your rebates, simply like our page, tell us your facebook name, and we'll deduct accordingly from the total of your purchases! This offer is applicable to all items, even items from the preloved site.

So, start clicking 'Like' now! Alternatively, our Like Box is at the right side of our blog. :)


Tie-dye Dress with Zipper

Condition: Worn once. Still in good condition.
Reason for selling: It's a bit short for the owner to wear as a longer dress, and she doesnt really wear short dresses.
Size: Fits S-M
Price: RM20

Email us at for any enquiries, reservations or purchases :)

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